Senin, 20 Juni 2011

its about me

every people has their own way, destiny and aspiration.
i dont know what is my destiny.
Being a mother an wife never make me tired.
Step by step i passed but like never useful.
why that u never understand that so difficult to be me.

i always try to accept every single thing that u do to me.
every words that u said to me with that aksen
why look so difficult to you to be more care of us,
just stop play the game. come on here, hug us, we need u so much

this life is so much better when i pray.
thanks God, for everything.
For giving me my lovely son, to keep me stay with someone that i love,
to make me more adult from the condition..

i also wanna say thanks to my parents who always beside me, show me the best way, understand me although that i have dissapointed them.

i feel so lucky have family like them. my lovely sister who always listen to me.
i dont know when, if You take me from here, i wish everybody know that I love them so much.
i dont know when,,yes, we never know

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