Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

5 Important Things to Traveling

  Do you like traveling? if you do, you have to know what we need to traveling... don't say you will traveling if you don't have it yet...
happy travel guys :)

Leisure Time
            If you want a great holiday, you need enough
  leisure time. Free yourself from another
 activity that depressed you. Don’t ever plan your
holiday when you have a lot of important things to do.

Money is the most important thing we should have when travelling. If you don’t have enough money, you can’t get any facilities such as transportation, accommodation, and
other things we need. If you don’t like
 carry a lot of money everywhere, unless you should 
bring a credit card.

Passport  and  Identity Card
            Passport and ID card are important things
if you travel to another country. Even in  some country it was very important 

if you want to enter it.But in another country it wasn’t so important.


Map was important for backpackers, but if you travel by travel agent you didn’t really need it because you will get a guide accompany you. Map is
  very useful especially if it was  
   your first time to go in to that   

            Different language could be a major problem when we are travelling. It will be better to know about simple words like asking direction, hospital, hotel and others. And don’t forget to keep a dictionary while you are travelling. 

2 komentar:

ayu wahyundari mengatakan...

you make me jelaous with your english,,,,
as always :')
kanggoang be blog ku nganggo basa bali naaaaaaaaaaaaaah

ayu wulandari mengatakan...

huahahaha,,, butuh dictionary juga buat inii